The Ray Tracing Kernel
ion de nes an object which is a procedural entity capable of a small number of elementary operations. Objects and Object Classes Within the kernel, an object is a data abstraction for geometrical entities and operations. Figure 1 shows the routines which are required to de ne a parametric family of objects, or an object class. Each of these routines accepts a pointer to class-speci c data, or parameters, which select a particular member from the object class. In the case of simple geometric entities, or primitive objects, the parameters can range from a center and radius for the class of spheres to a set of control points for the class of bicubic patches. The object class routines are then responsible for performing operations on the speci ed objects in the class. In practice it is convenient to implement object classes as records of function pointers. Intersect Local_Geometry Inquire_Bounds In_Interior Add_Child Class-specific data Object Class Parameters Object Figure 1: Selecting an object from a class. The \intersect" routine of the object class checks for intersection between a given ray and an object. If the ray hits the object, the distance and point of intersection are returned. The \local geometry" routine computes additional geometric information at the point of intersection, such as the normal vector and possibly tangent vectors (for texture mapping). The \inquire bounds" routine returns a bounding box (or some other bounding volume) for an object and the \interior" routine tests whether a given point is contained within the object. Most primitive objects t easily into this framework. Another type of object, one which manages a collection of subordinate objects, or children, is called an aggregate object. The simplest example of an aggregate object is the list object which employs a linked list to maintain the collection of references to its children. These references are called object instances, or simply instances. The \add child" routine, which is implemented only by aggregate objects, here simply inserts instances into the linked list. The intersect operation of the list performs \exhaustive" ray tracing by invoking the intersect operator of each child in the list sequentially and retaining the nearest intersection. Both the \inquire bounds" and \in interior" routines of the list object proceed by applying the corresponding operation to each of the children and processing the results. More \intelligent" aggregate objects, such as octrees or uniform grids, can perform these operations without resorting to exhaustive search. This is the rst examples of the value of the object class data abstraction. Aggregate objects present the same interface to the outside world as primitive objects and therefore hide their speci c algorithms. That is, from the level of abstraction of the kernel, all objects are indistinguishable even though some contain collections of other objects. Because the method used to store and trace through a subordinate collection of objects is completely embodied inside the object class routines, all of the acceleration techniques discussed in the introduction can be easily implemented as aggregate objects. An immediate and important consequence is that seemingly unrelated algorithms can be nested to any depth in a consistent manner. The object abstraction is also broad enough to include binary operations such as the \difference'," \intersection," and \union" operations 2 used in constructive solid geometry (CSG). For instance, a CSG di erence object may accept exactly two children and apply di erent semantics to the rst and second child. In out implementation, the CSG di erence object computes the di erence (child#1 child#2) by returning only intersections with the rst child which are not contained within the second child. By performing this operation strictly through the object class routines we allow the possibility of subtracting aggregate as well as primitive objects. Certain transformations can be expressed as aggregate objects which accept exactly one child and take modeling matrices as parameters. By transforming rays \going in" and data such as normals, points, and bounds \going out," these objects implement the well-known technique for transforming objects by inverse transforming the rays instead. This is applicable for all a ne transformations. This approach has many of the features of object oriented programming [9]. In particular, each object has a private memory which can only be manipulated through its set of operations, and all of the objects from a single class share the same interface. However, the kernel as we have de ned it provides no mechanism for inheritance from one class to another. The operations required of all object classes are essentially the same and must be directly supported by each class. Another difference is that there is no true message passing. All operations are carried out by direct function calls and are strictly synchronous. Finally, the term \instance" has a di erent meaning than in the context of object oriented programming. Here it implies both selecting a member from a class and making that member a child of another object. Because the latter operation can include a geometrical transformation, and environment may contain many instances of a single object. Shaders In addition to object classes which encapsulate geometrical algorithms, another important role is played by shaders. A shader is an encapsulation of an illumination model and, in the context of ray tracing, it is the agent which creates creates a ray tree by casting rays in directions determined by the laws of re ection and refraction [21] or determined stochastically [5]. For greater generality we allow a variety of shaders to be used in the rendering of a single environment. The value of this practice is made clear in [4]. We note that the exibility of the \shade trees" described therein could be embodied within one of potentially many shaders accessed through the kernel. Aggregate objects are free to impose di erent policies for application of shaders and surface properties, or attributes, to their children. We have found it convenient to associate pointers to shaders and their compatible attribute blocks directly with object instances. To facilitate this, the \add child" operation, which creates an instance, must be allowed to pass additional object-speci c data to the parent aggregate object. This data may also contain transform information in the case of aggregate objects which gain e ciency by implementing operations of this nature directly. An Example As a concrete example, we will describe the functions required to implement the simple list object mentioned earlier. These are: List Add Child( data, child, inst data ) List Intersect( data, ray, hit info ) List Local Geom( data, hit info, geom ) List Inq Bounds( data, type, bounds ) List In Interior( data, point ) Both List Intersect and List In Interior return a boolean value as their function value indicating success or failure. Here \data" is a pointer to private data (i.e. the parameters) which is accessed and modi ed exclusively through these operations. The list object's private data will contain 3 a pointer to the head of the list of children, and this is updated as new children are added. The argument encoding object-speci c instance data, \inst data", may be omitted by some aggregate objects, though it is commonly used for transform and attribute information. The \hit info" argument is used to store information for computing the local geometry at the point of intersection if it is needed. For most aggregate objects, this information will include the child which produced the closest intersection and the \hit info" returned by its intersect operator. The aggregate's local geometry routine then invokes the corresponding routine of that child, passing it the appropriate \hit info". We found it useful to implement \hit info" as a stack, allowing the intersect operators to return arbitrary amounts of data. The forms of the remaining arguments are xed among all the object classes, and their de nitions constitute part of the kernel. The \child" argument consists of two pointers: one to the object class (a record of function pointers) and one to the object-speci c parameters. The \ray" argument encodes a 3D origin, a unit vector, and other information such as \time" and minimum and maximum distance limits. The \geom" argument encodes the surface normal, tangents, etc., and is used strictly as input to a shader. Making this uniform allows all shaders to be applied to all objects. The \type" argument selects which bounding volume is to be returned an, in some cases contains additional data (e.g. plane-set normals [12]). Aggregate objects may require any or all of these bounding volumes for a child and may perform a wide variety of operations on them. For instance, an aggregate object implementing a bounding volume hierarchy may construct additional volumes enclosing two or more of these volumes, a BSP tree object may need to determine if a volume is intersected by a plane, and an octree object may need to identify voxels which are intersected by a volume. Rather than anticipating and encapsulating these operations into a procedural interface, the exact encodings of these bounding volumes are made public as part of the kernel de nitions. Four bounding volume types are supported in our implementation: boxes, spheres, and two forms of polyhedra (hull points and intersections of slabs). The Trace Procedure The ray tracing kernel attempts to separate the high-level operations of ray tracing from the pure mechanics of speci c algorithms. The kernel itself implements no speci c objects, transformations, or shaders, and has no policy concerning how a collection of objects is stored or rendered. In fact, at the level of the kernel there is only one object exporting the generic interface. This single object is responsible, directly or indirectly, for managing the rest of the objects in the environment. This is most vividly demonstrated by the one procedure which is formally part of the kernel; the procedure Trace: Trace( Ray, Object, Color ) This procedure intersects a given ray with an object and returns the resulting color. It requires almost no actual code outside of the objects and shaders themselves and serves essentially as a guide for how shaders communicate with objects. The kernel is therefore little more than a set of interface de nitions and data types which allow all of the details speci c to geometry and illumination to be hidden within the objects and shaders. Hybrid Algorithms The kernel abstractions allow us to easily add new object classes and modify existing objects without a ecting the rest of the ray tracer. More importantly, however, by allowing us to mix diverse acceleration techniques as easily as we can mix diverse primitive objects, it also furnishes a new approach to dealing with complex environments. For example, we can combine any of the acceleration techniques listed in the introduction into 4 a meta hierarchy for ray tracing a single environment. Though Snyder and Barr [17] described a restricted form of this nesting, the ray tracing kernel allows any aggregate object to be the child of any other aggregate object. The nested aggregate appears essentially as a bounding volume and intersection technique to its parent and is therefore handled as easily as a primitive object. Di erent aggregate objects will invariably present di erent trade-o s in terms of space and time. Techniques whose memory usage grows rapidly with the number of objects can be given a coarser world by making use of more levels of hierarchy. The role of spatial subdivision techniques is to change large problems into small problems within the voxels. Though it is common practice to use \exhaustive" ray tracing on the small collection of objects found within the voxels, this needn't be the case. Bounding volume hierarchies as well as any other optimization technique can also be applied in this context. Object nesting provides a simple means of accomplishing this. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that objects which intersect more than one voxel are not intersected multiple times with a single ray. If the object happens to be an aggregate, this intersection can be arbitrarily expensive. Nested Transforms An interesting bene t which can be derived from nested objects is that it is possible to take better advantage of sparse transformations. That is, we can transform a ray or normal vector with fewer arithmetic operations by taking advantage of matrices which contain many zeros. This is a consequence of being able to apply transformations at multiple levels in an instancing hierarchy, thereby creating a hierarchy of coordinate spaces. Though this can mean transforming each ray several times before it even reaches a primitive object, frequently the transforms which are lower in the hierarchy are very simple, consisting of scale and translate operations. There are cases when a single dense transform places the ray in a coordinate space relative to which most of the objects have sparse transforms. If N objects are tested before nding the closest intersection, the same operation can sometimes be done using one dense transform followed by N sparse transforms instead of N dense transforms. This is particularly true for a complex object which is built largely from scaled and translated primitives and then rotated into some arbitrary nal orientation. However, if it is feasible to make N very small on average, it may be more e cient to pre-concatenate the transforms and place the autonomous objects along with the resulting dense transforms directly into the parent object. The nesting mechanism is not without its own cost, so it must be used judiciously. Nesting of transforms can be very advantageous when dealing with motion blur and other situations requiring time-dependent transforms. A single time-dependent transform object can be used to transform a collection of objects undergoing rigid motion. That is, by creating an aggregate from objects which are moving as a group but not relative to one another, then applying a single time-dependent transformation, we avoid multiple applications of a potentially expensive transform. Building a Hierarchy Thus far we have focused on the high-level abstractions of the ray tracing kernel and have seen how this allows convenient implementation and use of objects. We now describe how the object hierarchy is built. Since the kernel provides no assistance here, we introduce another software layer called the shell. Given a set of shaders and a set of object classes such as spheres, polygons, patches, and so on, the shell allows us to construct a hierarchy whose root is the \world" object initially passes to the procedure \Trace." The object hierarchy actually forms a directed acyclic graph, or DAG. The hierarchy is not necessarily a tree since objects may have more than 5 one parent. Note that we can actually relax therequirement that the graph be acyclic if the objectclass intersectors have a mechanism for terminat-ing recursion. Such a mechanism can be basedupon a ray generation counter, for example.The process of creating the DAG can bephrased in terms of a succession of open, cre-ate, instance, and close operations which per-form elementary bookkeeping functions. Open-ing an aggregate object means that subsequentinstance operations will create children of this ob-ject. When an open operation is performed, theobject is pushed onto a stack, superseding the pre-viously opened object. The close operation popsthe stack. These operations are meaningless tothe kernel and merely serve to create the structurewhich it will recognize. Note that the create oper-ation must handle the object-speci c parametersof the created object, and the instance operationmust handle the object-speci c data associatedwith the add child operation.Since the shell is entirely in control of placingthe objects in the hierarchy, it can also implementdynamic loading of objects. In such a scheme, theray tracer contains only the kernel software, andthe shell loads at runtime only those objects whichare used in the scene. This mechanism is visibleonly to the shell.It is useful to have another construct which isvisible only to the shell. This is a modeling hier-archy used only as a convenience and not re ectedin the nal object hierarchy seen by the ker-nel. In other words, the shell provides \dummy"aggregate and transform objects which functionas macros. The shell must assume the burdenof copying objects and concatenating modelingtransforms when these objects are instanced.ApplicationsAs an example of the bene ts of the kernel we de-scribe a 2.75 minute animated lm entitled \FairPlay" [16] which was rendered using a ray tracerbuilt upon the kernel concept. The environmentconsisted of an amusement park with a numberof fairly detailed rides and attractions. Also in-cluded were trees, a fractal landscape, and twocharacters whom we follow through the park. Fig-ures 2 through 4 are frames from the lm. Fig-ure 2 is the view from high atop a ride and givesa sense of the overall layout of the park. Figure 3is a closeup of the characters beneath one of therides. The red balloon and portions of the charac-ters show re ections of the rest of the park. Fig-ure 4 shows the interior of the house of mirrors.Some of the \corridors" are formed by re ectionpaths more than 30 deep. The exterior of this at-traction is seen in the distance in Figures 2 and 3.There are approximately 10,000 object in-stances in the park environment, not includingthe fractal mountains. Though this can no longerbe considered a \large" database in view of themodels reported in [1] and [17] containing millionsof objects, it nonetheless represents a signi cantchallenge for creating a several-minute ray tracedanimation sequence. \Fair Play" required almost3,000 unique anti-aliased frames at 512x384 pixelresolution. E cient rendering was crucial despitethe fact that we employed a network of over 500Apollo workstations for nal production.The organization of the amusement park envi-ronment suggested three very natural levels of de-tail: I) The entire park, consisting of rides, trees,and mountains, II) The individual rides, and III)small but detailed elements of the rides, such asthe horses on a merry-go-round. Clearly a singleuniform grid [7] would not have performed wellhere because of the scale involved. Large numbersof primitive objects would have been collected ina small number of voxels. Octrees, on the otherhand, can deal with this problem through adap-tive subdivision but cannot pass rays throughempty voxels with the e ciency of uniform grids.This suggested a compromise.Our initial approach was to place a coarse uni-form grid around the entire park, and another uni-form grid or octree around each ride. Frequentlywe placed a bounding box hierarchy around smallclusters of primitive objects which would havefallen entirely within a voxel of the second-level6 grid. The low-level bounding box hierarchies werealso a way of grouping repeated sub-structuresinto objects which could be instanced withoutreplicating all the data.Concurrently with the movie production wedeveloped and tested a new acceleration tech-nique [1]. This was integrated almost e ortlesslyinto the ray tracer as another aggregate objectindistinguishable from the others. Therefore, wewere able to immediately substitute the new ag-gregate object for the top level uniform grid. Thisincreased overall e ciency because the new algo-rithm took advantage of directional informationand performed additional optimizations on rst-generation rays.Because the new algorithm performed adap-tive subdivision in ve-dimensional space, it re-quired large amounts of virtual memory whenprocessing complex environments. Therefore, wesometimes gave this object a coarser view of theworld by grouping primitive objects into larger ag-gregates in a fashion similar to building a bound-ing box hierarchy. This drastically cut down theamount of storage consumed, allowing the raytracer to run well on smaller machines. This strat-egy has the disadvantage of preventing the par-ent object from di erentiating between objectswithin its aggregate children. This is typical ofspace/time trade-o s in which one form of op-timization must be sacri ced in order to avoidthe greater penalty of paging. The ability to eas-ily nest various objects provided the exibility tomake trade-o s of this nature.SummaryThe ray tracing kernel approach provides both aexible research platform which can easily accom-modate new features, and a production tool whichcan take advantage of many acceleration tech-niques simultaneously in the rendering of a singleenvironment. A ray tracer built using the kernelparadigm was used to produce a large-scale raytraced animation through a combination of accel-eration algorithms. It also served as an e ectiveFigure 2: A view of the amusement park.Figure 3: The characters beneath a ride.tool for the development and benchmarking of anew acceleration algorithm.References[1] James Arvo and David Kirk. Fast ray tracing byray classi cation. Computer Graphics, 21(4):55{64, July 1987.[2] A. H. Barr. Global and local deformations of solidprimitives. Computer Graphics, 18(3):21{30, July1984.7 Figure 4: In the house of mirrors.[3] Christian Bouville. Bounding ellipsoids forray-fractal intersection. Computer Graphics,19(3):45{51, July 1985.[4] Robert L. Cook. Shade trees. Computer Graphics,18(3):223{231, July 1984.[5] Robert L. Cook, Thomas Porter, and Loren Car-penter. Distributed ray tracing. Computer Graph-ics, 18(3):137{145, July 1984.[6] F. C. Crow. A more exible image generation en-vironment. Computer Graphics, 16(3):9{18, July1982.[7] Akira Fujimoto and Takayuki Tanaka. ARTS:Accelerated ray-tracing system. IEEE ComputerGraphics and Applications, 6(4):16{26, April1986.[8] Andrew Glassner. Space subdivision for fast raytracing. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applica-tions, 4(10):15{22, October 1984.[9] Adele Goldberg and David Robinson. Smalltalk-80, the Language and its Implementation.Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1983.[10] R. A. Hall and D. P. Greenberg. 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تاریخ انتشار 1988